Recent Publications

How to Unmask Corruption in Ghana (New York Times)

I recently wrote an op-ed for the New York Times on how to unmask corruption in Ghana. Poor transparency creates opportunities to misappropriate public funds and hijack fair and open bidding processes. Improving enforcement of campaign finance rules is a first step towards progress.

Ghana’s Constitution states that political parties must declare the sources of their financing “to the public.” If they don’t, they could be banned from politics. Only one group has meaningfully supported this statute since the beginning of Ghana’s transition to democracy in 1992. 

On Friday, May 25, I, along with the CitizenGhana Movement and the Right to Information Coalition, will file a lawsuit this week to compel the Electoral Commission to release the assets, annual audits and revenue sources of all of Ghana’s political parties, in accordance with the Constitution.

Akinyi Ochieng